Gursh Barnard, Mosaic Committee Chair

It fills me with joy and anticipation to welcome you to Mosaic - Festival of Cultures, the longest running multicultural festival in Saskatchewan. This three-day festival celebrates the traditions and heritage of ‘All People’ that call Regina home.
I want to acknowledge the months of planning by the 18 Pavilion host organisations and hundreds of volunteers that give freely of their time to breathe life into this festival.
My deep appreciation and thanks to the 2024 Mosaic Committee team. We stand on the shoulders of the thousands of who have served, nurtured, and ensured the continuation of this festival leading to it’s 54 th Anniversary. We are immensely grateful to our Partners and Sponsors. This festival could not happen without their support and belief in the power and strength of a community that embraces diversity.
To those of you who are new to Mosaic and those who have supported the festival for years with your presence and contributions, you are the cornerstone of our success. I encourage everyone to come and celebrate the rich cultural heritage and traditions by sharing in the food, performing arts, displays and the beautiful welcoming faces of your neighbours and friends dedicated to building this festival of cultures.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and your families to Mosaic 2024.
Gursh Barnard
2024 Mosaic Chair